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KWLA Book Club

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KWLA Book Club

As part of KWLA’s statement regarding Black Lives Matter we emphasized the importance being reflective of our teaching practices and putting action behind our words. With that in mind we are proud to announce the start of the #KWLABookCLub! Our inaugural book will be ACTFL’s Words and Actions: Teaching World Languages Through the Lens of Social Justice.  We invite you to join us on the following dates at 11am to come together, discuss the book, and plan changes for our classrooms this fall.

1. This book study will be FREE to all participants, however participants must purchase or borrow the book.

2. This book study is limited to 100 participants.

3. All participants will receive an email with the Book Club Zoom link. At the appropriate time, click the Zoom link to join the Meet-up. There is no cost involved.

4. Participants can either talk via computer mic, type in the chat box or just listen.

5. The Book Club meetings will be open for one hour but you may leave at any time.

6. While KWLA officers will help facilitate the conversations, the this book club is intended to be an Open Forum for positive discussion and sharing among teachers.

7. Join the conversation asynchronously by using the hashtag #KWLABookClub on social media.

Important dates:

Priority registration for KWLA members June 15 – June 20.

Open registration June 21-June 29

Introductions & Chapter 1 – Monday, June 29 at 11am

Chapters 2 & 3 – Monday, July 13 11am

Chapters 4 & 5 – Monday, July 20 11am

Chapters 6 & & – Monday, July 27 11am
