Advocates for World Language instruction in KY. Monitors and reports on legislative activity at state, regional, and national levels.
Alfonso De TorresNúñez
Awards Chair
Facilitates the awards process and makes recommendations to the board.
By-Laws Chair
Reviews and updates the By-Laws in accordance with the needs of the organization and the language profession as a whole.
Communications Chair
Maintains communications with KWLA members, media contacts, and the public at large to further the mission of the organization.
Conference Chair
Organizes all aspects of annual KWLA conference in the fall.
Showcase Chair
Organizes the annual KWLA World Language Showcase for students to demonstrate their learning and interact with other World Language students around the state.
Professional Development Chair
Organizes PD opportunities for World Language educators around the state in collaboration with language affiliate organizations and post-secondary institutions.
If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, please email the committee chair or for more information!