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Board Members

Ke Peng
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M. Beck Sexton
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Jennifer Hoban
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Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby
Past President
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Francisco Castillo
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Jennifer Kennedy
Communications Director
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Brenna Byrd
University Liaison
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Alyse Treesh
Regional Rep Liason
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Donna Tatum Jones
AATF President
Collin Smith
AATG-KY President
Pilar Gomez
AATSP KY President
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Na Li
KACLT President
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Elena Kamenetzky
KAJLT President
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Lucianne Junker
KCA President
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Nadine Jacobsen McClean
NNELL KY Representative
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Kentucky Department of Education Liaison

Regional Representatives

Regions are aligned to the KDE Educational Cooperatives. Please click HERE to find your regional representative.

We are currently looking for regional reps from several regions! If you are interested in serving on the extended board please contact us at