![]() | September 21, 2018
Language Talk 25: Language Specialist for Fayette County Public Schools (KY), Laura Roché Youngworth, moderates a discussion of world language topics with Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Professor of Russian and Folklore at the University of Kentucky in their first live podcast at the KWLA conference in September 2018, Jacque VanHouten, World Language Specialist for Jefferson County Public Schools (KY), Meredith White, Peachtree Ridge High School (GA). Meredith’s blog is path2proficiency.com, and she moderates the weekly PLNs #langchat (@PRHSspanish), and serves as a SCOLT Executive Board Member and a SEALLT Executive Board Member, plus three guests from the audience. Topics include: burning issues in world language instruction, the Global Seal of Bi-literacy and world language advocacy. Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | April 11, 2018
Language Talk 24: KWLA podcast, The RoundTable, features host Laura Roché Youngworth, World Language Specialist for Fayette County Public Schools (KY), moderating a discussion of world language topics with Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Professor of Russian and Folklore at the University of Kentucky, Jacque VanHouten, World Language Specialist for Jefferson County Public Schools (KY), and Brenna Byrd, Assistant Professor of German Studies. Topics include: world language profession, instructional practices, and professional learning. If you have an idea to share for the podcast series or an event for the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu) |
![]() | March 25, 2018
Language Talk 23: KWLA podcast, Communities, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Professor of Russian at the University of Kentucky, Laura Hunt, Associate Professor of Spanish at Georgetown College (KY), and Ruth Brown, Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Kentucky, the importance of the Big “C” Communities in students’ language growth. Topics include: the different lenses for interpreting the “C” of Communities, the model of service learning, research supporting language use outside of the classroom, and available community resources. If you have an idea to share for the podcast series or an event for the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
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February 21, 2018
Language Talk 22: KWLA podcast, Advocacy, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Professor of Russian at the University of Kentucky, Ted Zarrow, Teacher of Latin (MA) and ACTFL Teacher of the Year 2016, and Ben Hawkins, teacher of French (KY) and Chair of the KWLA Awards Committee, the importance of advocacy in our profession. Topics include: the meaning of advocacy, strategies for advocating, the role of teachers-of-the-year (T-O-Y), and KY process for nominations for T-O-Y. If you have an idea to share for the podcast series or an event for the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu).
![]() | October 12, 2017
Language Talk 21: KWLA podcast, Curriculum, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing curricular choices with Rachel Weinrich, Goal Clarity Coach supporting World Languages for Jefferson County Public Schools (KY). Topics include: influences on curricular choices, breakdown of the JCPS K-12 World Language curriculum, and overview of the K-5 Fayette County World Language curriculum. If you have an idea to share for the podcast series or an event for the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | September 15, 2017 Language Talk 20: KWLA podcast, Comprehensible Input, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing the role of language input and instructional strategies with Jillian Lykens, German teacher in Colorado Springs and Grant Boulanger, Spanish Teacher and 2017 ACTFL Teacher-of-the-Year Finalist. Topics include: world language approaches, proficiency-based instruction, comprehensible input (CI), CI strategies, and comparisons of CI and proficiency-based instruction. If you have an idea to share for the podcast series or an event for the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | August 17, 2017 Language Talk 19: News and Updates for the 2017-18 School Year features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing upcoming KWLA events and developments at the state level related to World Languages with KWLA President Lucas Gravitt, President-Elect Emmanuel Anama-Green, and World Languages Consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education Alfonso De Torres Núñez. Topics include the upcoming KWLA conference in Louisville in September, opportunities for professional development and advocacy, plans for the World Language Showcase, and news about the Program Review and Senate Bill 1, Accountability Standards, and State Standards for World Languages. Please feel free to contact the board at info@kwla.org if you have any questions or comments. |
![]() | March 2, 2017 Language Talk 18: KWLA podcast, Struggling Learners and Literacy, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing research-based strategies to engage at-risk learners in the world language classroom with author and UK professor Francis Bailey (Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Director of the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language). Topics include: role of memory in learning, cultural disruption, and non-literacy oriented learners. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roché Youngworth (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | January 25, 2017 Language Talk 17: Laura Roche-Youngworth speaks with the director of the annual Kentucky World Language Association Showcase, Lydia Kohler, and the chair of one of the host departments at the University of Kentucky, Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby. They discuss plans for the event on the UK campus on March 25, 2017, from student competitions to the professional fair and other cultural events at the Showcase. For more details on the KWLA Showcase, visit kwla.org/showcase or contact Lydia Kohler at showcase@kwla.org |
![]() | November 9, 2016 Language Talk 16: KWLA podcast, Authentic Materials in the Language Classroom, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing using authentic materials in the language classroom, from the beginning to the advanced levels, with UK Professors Ruth Brown (Hispanic Studies) and Harald Hoebusch (Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures). Topics include: resources and tips for using authentic materials in and outside the class, engagement of students and growing language skills. Also, the Pedagogical Corner features Sara Merideth, KWLA past president, talking about one of the six Core Practices: Maintaining 90% Target Language in the Classroom. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | October 3, 2016 Language Talk 15: KWLA podcast, Overhaul of the Kentucky Program Reviews, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with guests Kelly Clark and Alfonso de Torres Nunez from the Kentucky Department of Education the changes in process and format of the KY Program Reviews. Topics include: overall structure, reporting, and changes of the Program Reviews as well as detailed components of the Global Competency/World Language (GC/WL) Assurances and GC/WL Program Review. In the Polyglotting News, updates include state-wide efforts for the Seal of Biliteracy, Universities and Colleges happenings, and the KWLA board changes. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | September 19, 2016 Language Talk 14: KWLA podcast, the Seal of Biliteracy, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with guest Arthur Chou of Velázquez Press aspects of the national movement to honor students with Biliteracy skills. Topics include: the background of the Seal, what the Seal is, advantages it brings to a district or state, and steps one can take towards implementation. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | August 29, 2016 Language Talk 13: Sara Merideth, president of the Kentucky World Language Association, talks about the plans for the KWLA Conference in Louisville from September 15-17, 2016. She also describes her participation in the ACTFL-sponsored Leadership Initiative for Language Learning and the 6 Core Practices of World Language Teaching that are the focus of the LILL meetings. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | July 7, 2016 Language Talk 12: KWLA podcast, News and Core Practices, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth discussing this year’s Kentucky World Language Association’s events and the 6 Core Practices supporting proficiency-based teaching with guests Sara Meredith, of KWLA, and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, of the University of Kentucky. Topics include: the upcoming KWLA conference, professional learning opportunities, and the World Language Showcase as well as an introduction to 6 instructional practices (such as 90% target language usage) being encouraged by ACTFL. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | April 20, 2016 Language Talk 11: This podcast features host Laura Roché Youngworth in a round-table discussion with Prof. Stayc Dubravac, Director of the Master of Arts in Teaching World Languages at the University of Kentucky, Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Chair of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University of Kentucky, and Thomas Sauer, an Independent Consultant specializing in language education. The guests discuss three broad topics: challenges in the world language profession today; the role of language and global competence in the curriculum; and professional development for teachers. |
![]() | February 29, 2016 Language Talk 10: KWLA podcast, World Languages at the University Level, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing Kentucky’s university language expectations and proficiency-based approaches with Laura McGee, of Western Kentucky University, and Brenna Byrd and Julie Human, of the University of Kentucky. Topics include: entrance requirements for Western and UK and “testing out” of a level, changes in instructional practices at the university level embracing a proficiency-based approach, and free on-line materials used at college level in French and German available for K-12 World Language teachers to use. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | January 4, 2016 Language Talk 9: KWLA podcast, Program Review Revisited, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth discussing updates and particulars of the new Global Competency & World Languages Program Review (PR) with Jamee Barton, Kelly Clark, and Alfonso de Torres Nuñez of the Kentucky Department of Education. Topics include: changes to the PR, triangulation and evidence, global competency, and discussion of specific Demonstrators/Characteristics. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | November 24, 2015 Language Talk 8: KWLA podcast, Second Language Research, features hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with Stayc Dubravac (MCLLC at UK) and Alan Brown (SPA at UK) their research on partial immersion programs. They share the effect of students’ awareness of language structure and how this research can help in designing language programs. They report the results of a first round of research on 3rd and 5th graders in Lexington schools and their plans for ongoing study of this cohort. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | October 27, 2015 Language Talk 7: KWLA podcast, Proficiency-Based Teaching, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Thomas Sauer the characteristics of proficiency-based instruction. Discussion includes defining characteristics of proficiency-based instruction, assessments, and activities, steps for change towards proficiency-based instruction, and proficiency-based resources. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | October 2, 2015 Language Talk 6: KWLA podcast, Student Growth Goal Rubric, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Jillian Lykens, Ben McMaine, and Alicia Vinson the structure and application of the Fayette County World Language Student Growth Goal Rubrics. As they discuss what influenced and guided the rubrics, they paint a picture of how the SGG rubrics differ than rubrics traditionally used for formative and summative assessments. Accompanying this podcast is a webinar in which Jillian Lykens and Laura Roché share in more detail the rubric structures and how to implement them within the requirements of the KY’s TPGES. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | August 14, 2015 Language Talk 5: KWLA podcast, News and Updates for the 2015-16 School Year, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing upcoming events sponsored by the KWLA with President Sara Meredith and President-Elect Lucas Gravitt. Topics include the KWLA conference in Louisville, KWLA opportunties for professional development and advocacy, plans for the World Language Showcase, and classroom techniques. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | May 28, 2015 Language Talk 4: KWLA podcast, National Updates, features co-hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with Jacque VanHouten, 2015 President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, national issues and initiatives relevant to world language educators. Topics include current policy such as bi-lingual certification, curricular and instructional shifts, and advocacy opportunities for educators of languages. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | March 15, 2015 Language Talk 3: KWLA podcast, Unwrapping the World Language Program Review, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with Alicia Vinson, Lucas Gravitt, and Lydia Kohler details of the KY Program Review. As they “unwrap” the terminology of the PR, they share their understandings of Regular and Routine, Global Competency, Job-embedded, performance goals, etc. and share examples of how these are being implemented across the state. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | February 15, 2015 Language Talk 2: KWLA podcast features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing the Kentucky World Language Program Review with Jacque Van Houten, Jefferson County Public Schools World Language Consultant, and Alfonso de Torres Nunez, World Language Consultant for the KY Department of Education. They talk about the overall premise of the Program Review including its history, models of implementation, embedded concepts of global competency and 21st century skills, and the concept of Program Review as a tool for building capacity. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (laura.roche@fayette.kyschools.us) or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (j.rouhier@uky.edu). |
![]() | January 14, 2015 Language Talk 1: Our podcast features host Laura Roche talking about the K-16 Collaboration Initiative with Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Chair of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University of Kentucky. They talk about the goals of the Collaboration Initiative to create stronger bonds in the state among world language teachers of all levels (from K to higher ed). |