Outreach Clearing House Resources

Language Resources

Novice-High Proficiency samples and explanations

Descriptions of proficiency levels with language specific examples

FCPS Student Growth Goal Rubrics

AATSP (American Association of the Teaching of Spanish and Portugueuse)

National Organizations

  • ACTFL- The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
  • ACL - The American Classical League
  • AATF,- The American Association of Teachers of French.
  • AATG, - The American Association of Teachers of German
  • AATSEEL, - The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
  • AATSP - The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
  • CLTA-Chinese Language Teachers Association
  • NCOLCTL - National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages
  • Goethe Institute - For German studies

Regional Organizations

Other Organizations

  • TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • NNELL - National Network for Early Language Learning
  • KWLA - Kentucky World Language Association

National Foreign Language Resource Centers

  • AELRC - Assessment and Evaluation LRC
  • CALPER - The Pennsylvania State University - Advanced language proficiency development
  • CARLA -University of Minnesota - Advanced rResearch and professional development
  • CASLS - University of Oregon - Assessment and LCT languages
  • CeLCAR - Indiana University - Central Asian languages
  • CERCLL - University of Arizona - Literacy
  • CILC - Community College
  • CLEAR - Michigan State University - Teacher education
  • COERLL - Center of Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
  • CULTR - Urban Language Teaching
  • LARC- San Diego State University - Technology
  • NALRC- University of Wisconsin - African languages
  • NCLRC - The George Washington University, & The Center for Applied Research - Outreach
  • NEALRC - The Ohio State University - East Asian languages
  • NFLRC - The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Asian and Pacific languages
  • NHLRC - UCLA & UC Consortium on Language Learning and Teaching - Heritage languages
  • NMELRC - Brigham Young University - Middle East languages
  • SALRC - University of Chicago - South Asia languages
  • SeeLRC -- Slavic, Eurasian, East European

Foreign Language Advocacy and Lobbying Groups

Foreign Language Publications

  • The Modern Language Journal
  • The French Review (AATF)
  • The Canadian Modern Language Review
  • Hispania (AATSP)
  • Die Unterrichtspraxis (AATG)
  • The German Quarterly
  • Language Learning
  • FLES News
  • TESOL Quarterly (TESOL)
  • ADFL Bulletin (Modern Language Association- ADFL)

Other Resources


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