Outreach Clearing House Contacts

University Contact Person Department Contact Information
Asbury University Shelby Thacker Chair, Department of Ancient and Modern Languages Shelby.thacker@asbury.edu
Bellarmine University Nelson Lopez Chair of Department of Global Languages and Cultures (502) 272-8237
Berea College Jeanne Hoch Chair of Dept. of Foreign Languages jeanne_hoch@berea.edu
Bluegrass Community & Technical College Joshua Hoekstra Foreign Language Coordinator Joshua.hoekstra@kctcs.edu
Centre College Genny Ballard Chair, Spanish genny.ballard.@centre.edu
(859) 238-5244
Centre College Ian Wilson Chair, German, Chinese & Japanese ian.wilson@centre.edu
(859) 238-5241
Centre College Jim Morrison Chair, Classics Morrison@centre.edu
Eastern Kentucky University Abbey Poffenberger Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Humanities http://www.foreignlanguages.eku.edu
(859) 622-2996
Gateway Community and Technical College Fares da Silva Chair fares.dasilva@kctcs.edu
(859) 442-1711
Georgetown College Laura Hunt Chair, Dept. of Modern and Classical Languages and Cultures Laura_Hunt@georgetowncollege.edu
(502) 863.8169
Kentucky Community and Technical College Josh Hoekstra Chair, Dept. of Foreign Language joshua.hoekstra@kctcs.edu
(859) 246-6311
Morehead University Philip Krummrich Chair, International & Interdisciplinary Studies p.krummrich@moreheadstate.edu
Murray University Reika Ebert Chair, Modern Languages rebert@murraystate.edu
Northern Kentucky University Caryn Connelly Chair of the Dept. of World Languages and Literatures connellyc1@nku.edu
Transylvania University Bryan Arganbright Program Director, Foreign Languages barganbright@transy.edu
(859) 233-8782
University of Kentucky Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby Chair, Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures j.rouhier@uky.edu
(859) 257-1756
University of Kentucky Yanira Paz Chair, Dept. of Hispanic Studies yanira.paz@uky.edu
University of Louisville Alan Leidner Chair, Classical and Modern Languages alan.leidner@louisville.edu
West Kentucky Community and Technical College Carolyn Perry Chair carolyns.perry@kctcs.edu
Western Kentucky University Laura McGee Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages laura.mcgee@wku.edu

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