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What is KWLA?

KWLA is a network of individuals who support, promote and advocate the teaching and learning of a variety of world languages and cultures.

KWLA is a clearinghouse for data, information and research relevant to effective programs and practices in the learning and teaching of world languages and cultures.

KWLA is a provider of professional development for preschool through college teachers of world languages and cultures.

KWLA is a collaborator with other organizations to advance and support and foster quality teaching, learning and leadership.

KWLA: The Kentucky World Language Association.


fall conference

Join us September 13-14, 2024 in Lousiville, KY for our annual KWLA Conference for professional learning and networking with World Language teachers from around the Commonwealth and beyond.

professional development

In addition to our Winter Webinars, Summer Book Study, and other pop-up PD opportunities, KWLA now offers on-demand sessions for our members.


Coming Fall 2024! The Language Instructors’ Informal Network of Kentucky, a virtual meet-up geared to supporting rural and “island” language teachers.


Seal of Biliteracy

Links to resources and contact information for implementing the Seal of Biliteracy in your district or school.

Student Expo

Your students can win awards for their success in world language class! We will have events available in person on the campuses of WKU and UK as well as the possibility for online participation!

KWLA Awards

Nominate an outstanding World Language teacher who deserves recognition for everything they are doing in and out of the classroom! We are also looking for nominations for Rising Star Teachers (new teachers in their first five years of teaching), Outstanding Administrators, Lifetime Achievement, and Amici Linguarum.



The newly formed Kentucky World Languages Advisory Council is working with the Kentucky Department of Education to increase the quantity of standards-aligned resources available to educators.

Leadership Forum

The Advocacy Committee hosts regular meetings with government officials, business entities, and other stakeholders outside the field of education to build global connections between our fields.

Language Advocacy Days

In collaboration with JNCL-NCLIS, representatives from KWLA meet the offices of our US legislators to request support of legislation and funding in support of world language and intercultural education.

Do you want to support KWLA?

KWLA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax deductible.