2016 KWLA Annual Conference

Advertise in the Annual Conference Program
Deadline date: September 2, 2016
Contact Information
Red denotes required fields.
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Billing Address Line 1:
Billing Address Line 2:
Email Address:  
Country (if not U.S.):
Telephone: E-mail:
Contact For Artwork:
Telephone: E-mail:

Advertisement Information

  • Program ads are all full color or black/white (please see above) and will be included in KWLA’s annual fall conference program (reaching 300-400 language teachers and professionals)
  • Inside Front, Inside Back, and Outside Back covers are on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Please provide the final ad in .pdf or .jpg(300dpi) format
  • If you want to use a photo in your ad that extends to the edge of the ad, please include a 1/8” bleed.
  • When exporting a .pdf please do not include the printer marks.
  • Submit your final ad to communications@kwla.org (please include your business name and what size ad you chose in the subject line).
Advertisement Type Single Issue
Full page color, inside front or back cover (Diamond Level)
5 ½ W X 8 ½ H (only 3 available - first come, first served)
Full page, black and white, within program (Platinum Level)
5 ½ W X 8 ½ H
1/2 page, black and white (Gold Level)
5 ½ W X 4 ¼ H
1/4 page, black and white (Silver Level)
2 ¾ W X 2 ¼ H (Business card size)
Sponsorship mention in the President's letter $50 


Upon clicking CheckOut below, you will immediatey be brought to a confirmation page for your records.
From the confirmation page, please click on the PayPal link immediately and follow the instructions to pay for your advertisement.
KWLA can not proceed with your request until payment has been made.
Thank you.


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